The world of books and writing inspired by the ocean

About Us

I am the author of ten books, including several books about writing. I love writing, and working with writers. If you have any questions about your own writing or publishing, contact me by email and see how I am able to help you. I offer this free service without obligation.

I write because I love working with words – they are my expression to the world. I write because words are my voice to the world. I can express myself on paper, and in print, or on the World Wide Web. I write words that are easily understood, by those I enjoy writing for.

I ride a bike – a hundred kilometres or so on a Sunday, and sometimes during the week, because that’s what I enjoy doing. I write about cycling and the bike rides – of riding to a headland to watch the whales. I ride to a beach, have the beach to myself for a couple of hours, and let my mind be receptive to any thoughts that dare enter it, to be churned around and turned into an article or, better still, a story.

Writing is ideal because I can combine colour with other activities that I really enjoy – like cycling, photography, and making things.

Because I am out there, thoroughly enjoying myself, the words come with such enthusiasm, and with the right amount of colour, and the right amount of expression to make them interesting, and meaningful.

I like to write because I enjoy sharing – sharing enjoyable times, sharing those special moments with others who share my passion for what I enjoy - writing, and cycling and my other activities.

I like to work with new writers, and am always interested in discussing their work. Contact me - I offer this service free of charge.